For companies and authorities only - no distribution to private persons!

Products - Various

Here you will find an overview over the products that are no longer produced by us. In parts there still exist some remaining items that are available. Please contact us as needed to find out whether the product is still available or to learn which product can be used as a substitute. 



TEC-2400 Grafik Display

Text- and graphic LCD unit with analog touch panel. Useable for process visualization, output of text and graphical information as well as software controlled keyboard inputs and menu navigations. The TEC-2400 BWL is directly used with TEC1000 CPU Board.


TEC Bus Boards

TEC Bus Boards are available in many sizes for optimal fitting in various projects. Very popular are the small types with only 2, 3 or 4 sockets.


TEC Active Bus Boards

TEC Active Bus Boards are available in various sizes: from the very compact busses with 2 or 3 sockets up to half 19“ width. TEC Active Bus Boards stand out due to a especially compact and economical design, as the power supply of the bus with +5V, +12V und -12V is done by the DC-DC converter integrated into the bus.


TEC Euro CompactModule Racks

For holding the Euro cards the Euro Compact Series of module racks is available. With 3 different mounting depths and numerous widths the different requirements of space and expandability can be accommodated. Module racks are delivered with all required consumables (Screws, gang channel nuts, insulating strips for bus, card slide rails).


TEC Powersupply

60W AC Power Supply Unit for TEC systems.


Stepper Starter-Kit

Small multitasking computers make it possible: up to 8 stepper motors controlled by one BASIC-Tigerâ„¢ or TINY-Tiger Computerâ„¢


BASIC-Tigerâ„¢ Discovery Kit

BASIC-Tigerâ„¢ Discovery Kit

Completely assembled unit consisting of a Discovery Board with 1 MByte TINY-Tigerâ„¢ multitasking computer, high contrast black/white Graphic-LCD, 240 x 128 pixels and a 100-240 VAC power supply. The Discovery Kit can immediately be used for program development and as laboratory or prototype unit when graphic and/or sound is demanded in a control application.


BASIC-Tigerâ„¢ Discovery Board

Discovery Board - Sound for your Tiger

Compact Tiger Board for applications based around sound/speech in- and output. With microphone and speaker on board as well as sensors and free Tiger pins applications as alarm systems (e.g. with output of dog barking), digital house phone, voice mailbox, reporting units with speech output ... etc. can be realized.


Graphic Demo-Kit

This kit is a first step into the graphic world of BASIC-Tigersâ„¢. The unit can be used as a sample for development of your own applications with graphic LC display.


Web Adapter

The EM02 module gives your projects a fast and stable access to the internet via (GPRS) modem.
